If you are using Dynamics CRM,  you can use Sales Cookie to manage your sales commission program. Using Sales Cookie, you also gain access to many advanced commission management capabilities such as tiered commissions, recoverable draws, split crediting, spend forecasting, etc. In addition, each sales rep will also get an exciting sales commission dashboard they can access from any device.

Here are the steps:

  1. Create a Sales Cookie account
  2. Add a connection to Dynamics CRM
  3. Import and map transactions
  4. Create plans and run calculations


Step 1 – Create a Sales Cookie account

Simply visit this page and select “sign up”. You’ll need to confirm you email address and agree to terms of service, but this takes about 30 seconds. No email address verification is required if you sign up with LinkedIn, Microsoft, or Facebook.


Step 2 – Add a connection to Dynamics CRM

Go to Settings > Connections on the left pane, and enter your Dynamics CRM credentials. Make sure to click on “Test” to verify the connection.


Step 3 – Import and map transactions

Go to Transactions > Add Transactions on the left pane, and select Dynamics CRM as a data source. Next type any view name (such as “Paid Orders” or “All Invoices”). If you wait a few seconds, the view name will auto-complete. Also, you can choose to make the import recurring. Sales Cookie uses patent-pending technology to sync data from any CRM view. Next, map fields and import transactions.


Step 4 – Create plans and run calculations

You’re now ready to add incentive plans, run calculations, generate payout reports, etc. At this point, the sky’s the limit. More importantly, you’ve made it easy to manage your sales commission and gave each rep a personal incentive dashboard where they can track their commissions.
